Sunday, September 24, 2023

Beneath the Swirling Sky

Beneath the Swirling Sky pulls readers into the world of art and the journey of understanding the true reason for our gifts.

Brief overview: 

Vincent and his younger sister are slotted to spend spring break with their great-uncle, an art conservator. But when his cousin also ends up at his uncle's house that same week, Vincent is unexpectedly pulled into a new world revolving around artthe very thing he wants nothing to do with anymore. Vincent must embark on an adventure through art to rescue his sister who somehow disappeared inside a painting.

Recommended age range: 8-12


  • My 9-year-old asked if there's a second book as we neared the end—a sure sign of a good book in our household.
  • Appreciated the depth of characters woven throughout the narrative.
  • Faith aspect incorporated throughout the book, but in a thoughtful manner.
Additional Notes:
  • Opportunities to learn more about various artists, their creations, and techniques provide an interesting educational backdrop to the plot.
Overall rating: 8 (out of 10)