Zarmina leaned forward, her white head covering slipping off her gray hair. She looked at the faces of her Western guests. Perhaps these women would know why she kept having the same dream for years. A man in shining, white clothing beckoned her to come.
She tugged the scarf back over her head. Her brown
eyes darted between the two ladies seated on her floor cushions. No woman in the
Central Asian community could make sense of her recurring dream. She took a
deep breath and shared this odd dream with these first-time tea visitors from
another country.
And to her surprise, these foreigners knew exactly
what this vision meant.
Around the globe, 42.5 percent of the world
is considered unreached with the gospel. This means from the time one is born
until the day that person dies, one doesn’t have a chance to hear who Jesus
truly is—or know a Christian to ask questions.
And to complicate the matter, the Church only gives 0.01 percent to ensure the good news reaches those who don’t have access.
Read the full article on the Denison Forum.