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It is these who follow the Lamb wherever He goes...Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on...that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!" (Revelation 14:4, 13)
The contrast between what is to come for believers and non-believers in this passage is sobering. Repeatedly as we read through Revelation we note that believers are called to endure and the wrath of God will be poured out on the faithless. Let's get some handles of what's transpiring in chapter 14.
First, the redeemed will worship Jesus when He reigns victoriously forever. (14:1-5)
This passage opens with Jesus standing on Mount Zion (where God's presence is) with His Bride—the redeemed. Throughout Revelation numbers stand symbolically for something. The number 12 and any multiples (like 144,000) likely stand for the people of God. So it would seem the 144,000 refer to those who have been redeemed. The key concept in verses 1-5 is the pure, spotless Bride of Christ. So the language reflects this concept of spiritual purity—not those who have never married. John is expressing how the redeemed remained faithful to the Bridegroom, Christ. Often in the Old Testament, Israel was described as committing adultery against the Lord. So it makes sense for John to depict the redeemed in this scene as spiritually pure regarding their devotion to the Lamb.
Second, the wrath of God is severe and worse than the wrath of the devil so Christians must endure. (14:6-20)
No matter what the devil may hurl at Christians during their limited days on earth, it pales in comparison to the incredibly violent, powerful wrath of God. The Father has been withholding His complete wrath until the final judgment, but we see in chapter 14 it will be unleashed in its full potency (14:10) "and the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest, day or night." (14:11). When Jesus comes to execute judgment the blood of those who refused Him will be "as high as a horse's bridle" and about as long as 184 miles (14:20). This is startling, gruesome and sobering.
Jesus willingly took on the wrath of God so the redeemed would not have to do so. For believers we are spared eternal torment that we deserved because of Jesus. He paid it all. To catch glimpses of what the eternal wrath of God will look is heartbreaking and terrifying. We must wage war against sin daily and plead with others to be reconciled to God through the Lamb. Hell is a real place and those who reject Jesus will be tormented forever. The Bible is clear.
Third, the kindness of God is shown in the call to endure.
Our Bridegroom does not let us be surprised by what's to come, but communicates what we need to know so we hold fast to Him. Christians must endure despite the chaos and suffering because rest will not fully come this side of heaven (4:12, 13).
The words Jesus paints for His Beloved show His care contrasted with the wrath of God for those who refuse Him. Revelation 14:1-5 reminds believers of the day when we gather together in victory to worship the Lamb and are in His presence forever verses the judgment of those who follow Satan will face. This pattern again emerges with the harvest scene. First we see the scene of Christ harvesting believers then the reaping of non-believers.
The kindness of God is shown in a proclamation to fear God because His judgment has come (14:7) before it happens. The love of Jesus is evident in reminding believers that if they cling to Him, they have nothing to fear. However, it is a exhortation to take our faith seriously so we are among the faithful. But if anyone does not seek Jesus eternal judgment is certain.
Lord Most High, give us hearts that delight in You and Your Word alone. Help us to not chase after material prosperity or idols of our hearts. Help us to take the battle against sin and the call to cling to You seriously. Cleanse us from our sin and purify our hearts. Make us faithful to You. Give us strength to endure. Make us lights for You in this dark world. Thank you for making a way back to You through Jesus. Let us follow You wherever You go. Amen.