Monday, December 23, 2019


For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the worldto bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice."
- John 18:37

With two days on my children's countdown calendar until Christmas, I yearn for the truth of Christmas to shine into the depths of my heart. I want to silence the competing voices this holiday season so I can embrace the beauty of Christ coming to bear witness to the truth.

In John 18:37, Jesus stands before Pilate—the final moments leading up to the cross— and discusses His kingdom. Pilate fails to recognize the kingship of Jesus. Instead Pilate focuses his attention on the immediate concern of maintaining his own power and image.

Jesus is the King of kings, but left the riches and splendor of heaven to become poor for us out of love. He came knowing rejection, shame, and misunderstanding would be His norm. But He also knew some would one day listen to Truth and follow Him.

The cultural baggage of Christmas can sometimes distract me from embracing the difficult path of Christ. Nothing about the Christmas story was easy. A young, unmarried girl giving birth without her support network. The whispers of others who assumed the worst about Mary and Joseph for marrying her anyway. A young carpenter thrust into fatherhood and finding a job in an unknown place. Thousands of baby boys murdered in King Herod's crazy attempt to secure his earthly kingship.

Truth can be inconvenient and not well received. It involves risk. And yet without Truth we have no hope for peace with God. As Christians we cannot force anyone to believe the Truth, but we are commanded to follow in the footsteps of Jesus to proclaim it. The story of redemption doesn't begin with Jesus' birth. It began back in the garden.

I hope this Christmas I prioritize the kingship of Christ over my own comfort and ease. I want to marvel at redemption and how Christ's birth affirmed our deep need for help had arrived. May I listen to His voice and point others to do the same. For His kingdom is eternal.